
Women Only
In Person Training Sessions

Working out a home is a great – I do it all the time.

But, working out with other people, especially your friends, in a small group setting led by a trained fitness professional is a blast!

Each in person training session is designed so that you can work at your own pace based on your current fitness level.

I am teaching Women Only Small Group Fitness Classes on the following days and times each week at HomeFit in St. Matthews (129 St. Matthews Ave, Louisville, KY 40207)

Tuesday 8:30 AM & 5:45 PM
Thursday 9:15 AM
Saturday 8:45 AM

The 1st session is always free. Fill out the contact below to attend your first class. Click here to reserve your space in an upcoming in person training session.

There are a limited number of spaces for each session, so be sure to sign up early to reserve your spot.

If you have questions before trying a session, fill out the form below.4

Get High Protein

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Menopause Fitness and Nutrition Guide

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Calculate Your

Calorie Goals

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Calculate Your

Calorie Goals

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Women’s Health Reboot sessions

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