Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility and strength without extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, I’ve covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone.
1. Inchworm
Stand up tall with the legs straight, keeping the legs straight (but not locked!), slowly bend at the hips reaching toward the floor, and then walk the hands forward. Once in a push-up position, start taking tiny steps so the feet meet the hands. Continue bugging out for 4-6 reps. I personally use these as my warmup before every workout.
2. Mountain Climber
Starting on your hands and knees, bring the left foot forward directly under the chest while straightening the right leg (as you see me doing in the above pic) Keeping the hands on the ground and core tight, jump ans switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind the body with the right knee forward.
3. Prone Walkout
Beginning on all fours with the core engaged, slowly walk your hands forward, staying on the toes but not moving them forward. Next, gradually walk the hands backwards to the starting position, maintain stability and balance.
4. Wall Sit
Who needs a chair when there’s a wall? Slowly slide your back down a wall until the thighs are parallel to the ground. Make sure the knees are directly above the ankles and keep the back straight. Go for 60 seconds (or however long it takes to turn those legs to jelly).
5. Clock Lunge
Time for a challenge. Complete a traditional forward lunge, then take a big step to the right and lunge again. Finish off the semicircle with a backwards lunge, then return to standing. And all that’s one rep! Aim for 10 reps and then switch legs.
6. Superman
Lie face down with arms and legs extended. Keeping the torso as still as possible, simultaneously raise the arms and legs to form a small curve in the lower back, hold for 2 counts and release. Repeat 15 times. Cape optional.
7. Dynamic Prone Plank
Starting in a standard plank position, raise the hips as high as they can go, then lower them back down. Continue this movement for as long as possible. Make sure the back stays straight and the hips don’t droop.
8. Shoulder Bridge with Leg Raise
Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Place arms at your side and lift up your spine and hips. Only the head, feet, arms, and shoulders should be on the ground. Then lift one leg upwards, keeping the core tight. Slowly bring the leg back down, then lift back up. Try to do 10 reps per leg, then bring the knee in place and spine back on the floor.
9. Sprinter Sit-Up
Want to be a speed demon without getting off the floor? Lie on your back with the legs straight and arms by your side—elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Now sit up, bringing the left knee toward the right elbow. Lower the body and repeat on the other side.
10. L Seat
Seated with the legs extended and feet flexed, place the hands on the floor and slightly round the torso. Then, lift the hips off the ground, hold for five seconds and release. Repeat!