
Nutrition coaching that helps you live your best life.

Most people want to eat healthier and exercise more, but aren’t sure how to get started or start a program and quit because it isn’t sustainable.

You already know this, but it is worth repeating: what you eat and how you exercise on a consistent basis are essential to a healthy lifestyle.

Knowledge is one thing. 

Doing is another.

I am here to help you get started on your journey to wellness with better eating habits and consistent exercise.

Hi, I'm Cynthia.

I am an Integrative Nutritional Practitioner, specializing in women’s hormones and gut health while achieving weight loss.

My background is in occupational therapy. I have worked in the wellness industry for 15 years and have served hundreds of clients.

I have created programs that teach women how to create sustainable, healthy lifestyles and maintain them!

Nutrition and wellness advice you can trust.

Kim's Story

After working with Cynthia for almost 9 months, I’m down 30+ pounds, I have more energy and my gut health is in check. But, most importantly I have a better understanding of managing my food and what works best for my body. The popular programs/ diets I tried weren’t working. Trust Cynthia, listen to her, and soak in all her knowledge. I’m glad I did!


Replacement Therapy

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Free Webinar

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Get High Protein

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Menopause Fitness and Nutrition Guide

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Calculate Your

Calorie Goals

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Calculate Your

Calorie Goals

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Women’s Health Reboot sessions

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