
Fat Loss vs. Fat Burn

The terms “fat loss” and “fat burn” are often used in the same context; however, this is incorrect because they mean two completely different things. Fat burn happens when your body is using fat as a fuel source.  Fat loss happens when your body is reducing the amount of fat in your body as a […]

Is Calorie Cycling Magic?

Calorie Cycling

Nope. Nada. Negative. 👎🏻 Are there benefits to it? YES! Before we dive into the benefits, I want to remind you that weight loss (fat reduction) always comes down to the calories in, calories out formula (CICO). Simply put, you have to burn more calories than you consume. Calorie cycling is a tool to help […]

Scale Fluctuations

Scale Fluctuations

Our bodyweight will naturally fluctuate between one (1) and two (2) percent every day due to a variety of factors. I encourage my clients to look at their daily weight averaged over a week and look for a downward trend from week to week as they pursue their goal weight. Let’s dig into the seven […]


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