Protect Yourself from COVID-19

Protect Yourself from COVID

There are things you can do to help reduce your risk of catching the virus and reducing its effects if you do catch it, whether you have been vaccinated or not. It’s no secret that those with metabolic conditions or decreased immunity due to lifestyle choices are likely to be hit harder than those who […]

Calorie Deficit

Calorie Deficit

Getting Started 1. Record all food for 7 days. 100% recording. If it goes in your mouth, it gets recorded. Do not make changes to the way you have been eating once you start recording. You need to know where you are currently in order to move forward. If you are unsure of a food […]

Reverse Diet

Reverse Diet

Getting Started 1. Record all food for 7 days. 100% recording. If it goes in your mouth, it gets recorded. Do not make changes to the way you have been eating once you start recording. You need to know where you are currently in order to move forward. If you are unsure of a food […]

Should you do a Reverse Diet or Calorie Restriction?

Reverse Diet or Calorie Deficit

You should do a reverse diet if you meet 2 or more of the following: You should do a calorie deficit if you meet 2 or more of the following: Whether you do a reverse or a calorie deficit, the goal is the same at the end for both. Get to maintenance calories without gaining […]

Signs of Binging and Overeating

Signs of Binging and Overeating

The key to stopping these patterns is identifying them when they are happening and trying to decipher why you are having the feelings. Was it a shitty day at work, did the kids upset you or are you and your spouse fighting. None of these issues can be solved by eating food. You must address […]

Pre and Post Exercise Nutrition

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

Focus on food quality & quantity Remember: If you’re exercising for general health and fitness;if your goals are more modest; and/oryou don’t have unique physiological needs……then you probably don’t need any particular workout nutrition strategies.  Focus on: Eliminating nutrient deficiencies;ensuring your portions are the right size; andstarting to eating right for your body type (endo, […]

Getting Your Mindset Right

Getting Your Mindset Right

Set Yourself Up for Success If you’ve ever looked at someone else and thought they are so lucky’ or ‘they are so happy’, then I want you to keep reading! Because I believe you can all be ‘that person’, simply by working on your mindset.  Becoming mentally stronger is something you work at every day. […]

10 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility and strength without extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, I’ve covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone. 1. Inchworm Stand up tall with […]

You Can Lose Weight and GAIN Fat at the Same Time!

You Can Lose Weight and GAIN Fat at the Same Time

When we talk about losing weight, most people associate this process with losing body fat; however, it is possible to lose weight and gain body fat! How is this possible? Before I dive in, there is one principle that I often remind my clients about: our bodies are wired to operate as efficiently as possible.  […]

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Menopause Fitness and Nutrition Guide

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Calorie Goals

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Calorie Goals

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